Technical Manual

Global State GUI Window2D Polygon Drawing Window3D MeshObject (UPDATED FOR 2000) MeshOptions (NEW FOR 2000) VoxData

Module Cohesion and Coupling

Testing and Planning

Design Analysis


GUI Member Functions

(created by Arun)

(General note on callbacks

  • checking for conflicts is avoided by deactivating the corresponding callback buttons when a conflict of modes might occur. Hence the Callback need not check for this
  • Only Public Member functions are specified here - private members are documented in the code itself
(Note: All of the following functions allow other objects to set widget states on the GUI)
/* SetCrosshairsButtonActive
Purpose: CrossHairs button is set to Active
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: CrossHairs button is set to Active */
void SetCrosshairsButtonActive(void)

/* SetCrosshairsButtonDeactive
Purpose: CrossHairs button is set to InActive
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: CrossHairs button is set to InActive */
void SetCrosshairsButtonDeactive(void)

/* SetLineButtonActive
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: Line button is set to Active */

void SetLineButtonActive(void)


/* SetLineButtonDeactive
Purpose: Line button is set to InActive
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: Line button is set to InActive */
void SetLineButtonDeactive(void)


/* SetAcceptButtonActive
Purpose: Accept button is set to Active for the given window
Input: WindowId of which window’s buttons to set to active
Output: None
Pre: WindowID is valid
Post: Accept button is set to Active for the given WindowID */
void SetAcceptButtonActive (int WindowID)


/* SetAcceptButtonDeactive
Purpose: Accept button is set to InActive for the given window
Input: WindowId of which window’s buttons to set to inactive
Output: None
Pre: WindowID is valid
Post: Accept button is set to InActive for the given WindowID */
void SetAcceptButtonDeactive(int WindowID)


/* SetMeshButtonActive
Purpose: Mesh button is set to Active
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: Mesh button is set to Active */
void SetMeshButtonActive(void)


/* SetMeshButtonDeactive
Purpose: Mesh button is set to InActive
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: Mesh button is set to InActive */
void SetMeshButtonDeactive(void)


/* SetPasteButtonActive
Purpose: Paste button is set to Active
Input: ID of the current window
Output: None
Pre: WindowID is valid
Post: Paste button is set to Active */
void SetPasteButtonActive(int WindowID)

/* SetPasteButtonDeactive
Purpose: Paste button is set to InActive
Input: ID of the current window
Output: None
Pre: WindowID is valid
Post: Paste button is set to InActive */
void SetPasteButtonDeactive(WindowID)
/* UpdateAllWindows/RedrawAllWindows

Purpose: Invoked by one of the child windows on update asking all other child windows to update their views
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: All windows update their views appropriately*/
void UpdateAllWindows(void)

/* MakeSegTexturesCurrent
Purpose: Invoked either by child window or the GUI on a seg data load, telling the other windows to update their view of the segmented data
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post: All windows update their view of the textures appropriately*/
void MakeSegTexturesCurrent(void)

/* ResetScrollbars
Purpose: Invoked  by a child window telling the GUI to modify the Scrollbar positions after having used the 3-d crosshair mode to reposition the crosshairs.
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post:  Scrollbars are updated for all the 2-D windows to reflect the 3-d crosshairs' position
void ResetScrollbars(void)

/* Set3DAcceptButtonActive
Purpose: Sets the accept button active after the user has started to label points in the 3-D window
Input: None
Output: None
Pre: True
Post:  The accept button becomes active
void Set3DAcceptButtonActive(void)


private data notes:

xy Window2D
zy Window2D
xz Window2D
win3D Window3D
color labels ColorLabel  - for drawing the current drawing/ masking color label



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